Our Story

These aren’t your grandfathers sheepshead jigs.

Our story starts on the coast of North Carolina fishing around bridge pylons for sheepshead. The elusive convict fish is notorious for stealing your bait under docks, piers and bridges. After years of targeting sheepshead we knew there had to be a better way to catch them from the traditional methods. This is why we set out to design a jig head that would help aid anglers from newbs to seasoned vets feel the bite and help with the perfect hookset.

This is where bridge donkey jigs was born. We have spent our lives trying to catch the ultimate bridge donkey and figure why not name our company after our prized fish. We want to change the way you sheepshead and tog fish and have made it our live mission to help you achieve this. We are confident once you try a bridge donkey jig you will never want another! We are confident that you will have fun times “chipping teeth and rippin lips”.